

I've developed a new open source P2P e-cash system called Bitcoin.
It's completely decentralized, with no central server or trusted parties,
because everything is based on crypto proof instead of trust.

~ Satoshi Nakamoto 2009-02-11 22:27:00 UTC

I love the simple life,
I love nature, I love being barefoot,
I love profound conversation that sparks creativity, connection and inspiration.

I love freedom.

And, I love bitcoin.

Love is a big word, bitcoin is worthy of big love.

It’s existence is a point of bright light in this most challenged time in human existence.

I wrote this book in the hopes of making bitcoin, and the reasons we need it, more accessible to more seekers.

This book is a starting point, into what I, and many others, have discovered is a phenomenally endless, life-changing and beautiful rabbit hole!

May you be orange-pilled, may you be free, and may you be well enriched by the journey!

~ Keysa

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2 Books – $36

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5 Books – $88

10 Books – $169

If you prefer, you can get it from Geyser: Geyser Fund – The Simplest Bitcoin Book Ever Written 2nd Edition

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Free PDF Downloads Of The Book

ENGLISH 2nd Edition RELEASED! The Simplest Bitcoin Book Ever Written

SPANISH 1st Edition: El Libro de Bitcoin mas Simple Jamas Escrito

BR PORTUGUESE 1st Edition: O Livro Mais Simples Sobre Bitcoin Já Escrito

Thanks: @_Okami9 & @BravoMonika for the Spanish translation and @UseBitcoinBr for the Br Portuguese translation.

Creative Commons: The book is published under a Non-Commercial Creative Commons license, so feel free to edit to make it more relevant to your country.

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